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News and Updates
Coach-led Summer Study Meetings Incoming (2024)!
These study meetings will take place twice a week on Zoom and will cover entrance test topics to help you prepare. The meetings will start on June 27th and the first two meetings (on 6/27 and 7/1 at 7 p.m.) will cover the mathematics portion of the entrance test. The rest of the meetings will be posted soon! Please fill out this form so we can gauge interest for the meetings.
Important Competition Dates: TBD
These were last year's competitions:
Rustin Invitational (satellite, meet at HMS)
Sierra Vista Invitational (in person, Sierra Vista Middle School
HMS Scrimmage (in person, meet at HMS)
BirdSO (in person at USC)
Regionals (in person, Rio Hondo College)
Caltech State Competition
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